November 19, 2015

the one thing you should be doing to your face twice a week.

The dreaded clogged pore. Your skin's worst nightmare. An oily gal's biggest nemesis. They are a fact of life, but there is hope. EXFOLIATION. Everyone should be exfoliating their skin about twice a week (unless you have very sensitive skin, then just once a week), And I'm sharing a recipe for a super easy brown sugar facial scrub that you can make at home, right now with ingredients you have in your cupboard! The key ingredient (brown sugar) is one of the best natural exfoliants out there - it isn't harsh on your skin like salt can be, and if it gets in your mouth it tastes delicious. 
There are only 4 ingredients, and if you don't have brown sugar on hand, you can use a basic refined white sugar. You can make less than listed below, or make more and store in a container in your shower.


  • 1/2 cup brown sugar (basic refined white sugar works in a pinch)
  • 1/2 cup honey 
  • 1 tbsp coconut or olive oil
  • 1 drop of your favorite essential oil (lavender, jasmine, rose, are all nice) *optional


Mix ingredients in a bowl.


Apply mixture to skin and massage in a circular motion to ensure you're removing dead skin from your face. Rinse with warm water and press skin with a warm washcloth. Apply moisturizer when your done, and voila! You just kicked a clogged pore where it hurts.

*It's important year-round to exfoliate both your face and your body, but I find in winter it's even more important.

What's your favourite product to exfoliate with? Let me know in the comments!

- Lianne xo

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